2005 expedition fuel pump circuit
2005 expedition fuel pump circuit

2005 expedition fuel pump circuit

I went back to the fuse box and checked every fuse that I could think would have anything to do with fuel delivery. Dorman has a lifetime warranty for those, so I headed back to the parts store where I got it and the replacement has my running fuel pressure at 39 lbs according to the OBDII scanner. For anyone else that comes across this, here’s the punchline up front: I replaced the fuel pump delivery module (mounted on the frame above the spare tire) at the end of February and thought “that’s the one part I know is good”. I should have known better than to skip steps in the troubleshooting. There is no schrader valve on the fuel rail, do I trust the scanner value? why would it have some, but so little pressure? With specs saying that it should be between 35-45 PSI. Picked up a OBDII scan tool and on the live stats it showed. Replaced that, replaced the cam position sensors, just because they were easy to do and some other posts made me think it could work. Towed to the house and thought that it felt like losing a Crank Position Sensor. Went to N as I took the corner and tried to start her as I coasted toward the office drive, but she wouldn't start. As I approached the last light, it went to sever hesitation and stalled. Driving to work last month and noticed a hesitation at the 2nd to last light I noticed a slight hesitation, but just for a moment.

2005 expedition fuel pump circuit